Aluminum Flood Barriers - Application Tips

Flood Barrier Considerations

The best way to prepare for flood mitigation is with an effective plan. Mistakes and oversights can be very costly in terms of physical damage and dollars. Flood barriers are specifically designed and engineered to fit an individual opening. With flood barriers, there is no such ting as a standard issue as everything is a retrofit! Flood gates and barriers have to take into consideration anticipated flood heights, flow rates, impact from submerged objects as well as application issues relating to what type of construction we must attach to.

What to Consider

  1. Must read : FEMA Technical Bulletin 3-93 (it is on this website)

  2. Establish a Deployment Plan acceptable to your insurance company and FEMA

  3. Add Sump Pumps at strategic locations.

  4. Evaluate and use our Flood Resistant Glazing System.

  5. Verify precise Flood Plain Elevation to avoid misunderstandings.

  6. Understand that flood protection extends 12 inches above the BFE.

  7. Consider accumulative effects of water cascading down the building.

  8. Heavy rainfalls may add to water levels inside the Flood Panel line.

  9. When using the Flood Resistant Glazing System, Consult Savannah for
    precise application info, mullion spacing’s, flood water protection



Number 1 - Establish how high the barriers need to be.  If legislated by the NFIP and FEMA, it must be One Foot above the established Base Flood Elevation for the given site. If this is not within an established flood plane or is a Private Residence which falls outside the NFIP/FEMA requirements, then you decide how high the barrier is to be.

Number 2 - Evaluate what the flood barriers are attaching to. Keep in mind that Flood barriers are rigid rectangular panels that need a flush and even surface on a minimum of three surfaces to attach to. (It may not necessarily required at the top or head of the barrier as in many cases the required height of the barrier often falls below the actual height of the window and door opening) Flood panels cannot walk stairs or attach to uneven gradients or substrates.
Number 3 - Decide on which application best applies for each of your openings. There are two options for attaching our barrier to a structure. Our frame, a compression type set, will either be mounted on the face of a wall plane (face mount) or inside a window or door cavity (inset mount). Combinations can also be used for any given barrier as well. For example, if a door jamb is right up against an intersecting wall say on the right side of the door, it is possible to have a face mounted installation on the left side with an inset mount on the right side with the sill also being either a standard sill or face mount in the case of an impeding stoop or concrete step. 


Elevation View

Plan View

Number 4 - Provide detailed information for each opening along with accurate field measurements for pricing and engineering. Include any plans, specifications, photos (digital ones accepted too) and allow us the courtesy of some time to define and price your project. Once we've performed our analysis, we shall provide you with a qualified bid notating specific quantities sizes along with any other pertinent information. If all is acceptable and you give us notice to proceed we will then begin engineering the job and provide for structural engineering calculations and shop drawings. When completed, a submittal set shall be forwarded to you for final approval. 
Number 5 - Prepare perimeter of window and door openings to receive flood barriers. Although we integrate a compression seal with a dense closed cell neoprene, all mortar joints between brick and block as well as tile joints need to be flushed up. This too would apply to stucco finishes as well. Important to note too, is that all sills need to be concrete. Asphalt and surface toppings such as cool deck, chattahoochee and pavers are not acceptable as a surface base. Plans for concrete or cement should be made in advance. 
Number 6 - Follow our plans for installation. Once you've completed your final review and acceptance of the shop drawings with any corrections or other edits noted, we will begin to fabricate your order. At this juncture, nothing should change to significantly alter the intended openings that the barriers are being fabricated for. Thus, the shop drawings become your final assembly detail or map. By adhering to these simple rules, you can avoid certain pitfalls and provide for a smooth process. From the information and back up we supply, your architect or engineer will have enough to endorse a "Floodproofing Certificate" from our involvement. Regular rules of course apply to the Floodproofing of Non-Residential Structures as referenced in FEMA 102/ May 1986.

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