![Steel Door](images/steeldoor-sm.JPG) Flood Door and Hollow metal doors are now one. When you
need instant flood Protection, with no time to install a
flood barrier this is your solution.
Flood doors by Savannah Flood Protection are tested to
60 inches of flood water protection, becoming a Silent
Sentry giving you 24-7’s protection.
The Savannah flood door with frame, looks and acts like
a standard exit type door but is especially manufactured
for flood water resistance and the severe loads imposed
by high water. Our flood doors may also meet Hurricane
Protection criteria when specified.
Sizes: 3070,
3670, 3080, 3680, all outswing. Finishes:Prime
painted only.
push-pull, surface closer & threshold.
Fire-rated doors also available on special order.
Call or email us for pricing and availability ...
Phone (561) 656-2556
Fax (561) 656-2599 Toll-Free (888) 640-0850
Click Here
Skylight Blinds, External Blinds, Hurricane
Barriers, Flood
Barriers, Roof Hatches,
Roof Hatch Railings, Ornamental Metals, Metal Louvers,
Electric Glass, Privacy Glass and Miami-
Dade Missile Impact Certified Products.